Essential Oils
My first experience with essential oils was a failure. I purchased a bottle of "sandalwood essential oil" from a store thinking it was going to perform a miracle in my first marriage. I have leaned toward holistic avenues for many years, mostly fumbling around uneducated. Then, I moved onto a farm and learned so much about growing organically, composting, and many other things. Using essential oils came to mind again, and this time I was armed with better education about farming practices and started researching. I landed on Young Living Essential Oils and I felt I found home because they welcome, they INVITE people to come to their farms to plant seeds, to dig holes for plants, and to be involved with harvesting. I fell in love! My life was transformed by so many tools, including the oils, supplements, and support from my upline. This part of my journey led me to Raindrop Technique and allowed me to love on others by anointing them with oils and teaching classes on essential oils.
Here I am, so excited to visit Young Living's farm in Mona, UT
Transplanting lavender seedlings at the Mona, UT farm
Some of my favorite tools to support my health